
Eagle Harbor Marina has its own weather station located right on our docks, which you can access 24 hours a day. So you can check if conditions at the marina are matched for your planned boating or recreational activities before you come to the marina.

Wind speeds, wind direction, rain, barometric pressure and temperature are easy for you to view in real time. You can also check the forecast for the next few days, as predicted for the Eagle Harbor area. Click on the weather page image to go to the live site.

Latitude 47° 62.62' N • Longitude 122° 52.12' W

Eagle Harbor Weather RainWiseNet

Marina Weather Station

Click on this marina weather station text link, or on the sample image to the right to find out weather conditions at the marina in real time.

Certified Clean Marina

  • Reduce and properly manage hazardous waste
  • Conduct marina operations with the goal of protecting the environment
  • Educate boaters on clean boating practices
  • Demonstrate innovation and environmental leadership